Monday, October 13, 2008


On the surface, those words shows that the parents are giving the kid autonomy. But under the surface, those words significantly limits what the kid can or cannot do. When a parent tells their kid that we believe that you can do it, it comes with a tremendously high amount of expectation. The expectation would in turn pressurize the kid to perform to meet expectation. This means the kid have to study hard, read, no-time-to-play, to meet the expectation. See, this means less time to do what the kid wants.

For a moment there you thought that your parents have finally given up nagging at you when they tell you this phrase, how wrong can you be. They just changed their tactic from a physical irritation to an invisible psychological pressure. And there you are thinking you can outlast your parents by ignoring them.

Maybe you don't get what I am trying to say, but whatever man...if you get it so much better for you. If you don't get it you still have your peace of mind. So nobody lose and everyone wins.

Erm...don't mind me. I'm just under a lot of pressure to meet "expectations".


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