Sunday, June 28, 2009

I guess I can say this....

"I am a blessed person!!!"

Not sure how I should explain it but.....yeah I'm a blessed person.

I think I have more than what a person could ask for. A whole family, good friend, good "brain", and also a lot of blessings which I don't think I deserve. That's why it's called blessings.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Don't Ask Why

As of the time I'm writing this post, I'm feeling very down.....

This question came to my mind...."What if you have 6 months left? What would you do?"

I probably would play like there's no tomorrow.........every game that i can get my hands on......

I guess the things that keeps me happy when I'm not with my friends is games and music.....


Man....i can't believe i'm in this condition for so long......more than an hour d....but thanks to Mandy i feel better already....wasn't expecting to see her online at 3 something a.m...but after talking to her i feel alot better.....

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Harry是个浪子, 靠街头卖艺为生. "对面的女孩看过来,看过来,看过来...."(任贤齐,对面的女孩看过来) 这时Mandy走过. "这里的表演 很精采,請不要假裝不理不采." Mandy 对Harry回眸 一笑. Harry的音乐不知不觉变成 "我对你有一點動心(張信哲, 有一點動心)." Harry抱著吉他追上Mandy:"小姐,小姐,这是我的名片(吴宗宪, 小姐这是我的名片)." Mandy在卡片后面写上她的电话 号码. Harry开心不已, 有如得到宝物. 但是有种" 開不了口讓她知道( 周杰倫, 開不了口)的感觉. Harry终于鼓起勇气打电话 给Mandy.

Harry约了Mandy出来. Harry: "你是我最深爱的女人, 你有最美丽的嘴唇,你拥有最动人的眼神,你带给我幸福和快乐.(永邦, 你是我最深爱的女人)" Mandy: "我爱你你是我的罗密欧, 我愿意变成你的祝英台(曹格 & 卓文宣, 梁山伯与茱丽叶)." Mandy:"再靠近一點點就讓你牽手, 再勇敢一點點, 我就跟你走(SHE, 戀人未滿)." Harry抓紧机会握住Mandy的手.

Harry与Mandy手牽手在漫步. Harry:"我想就這樣牽著妳的手不放開(周杰倫, 簡單愛)." Mandy:"如果你决定跟随感觉, 为爱勇敢一次, 如果你说我们有彼此. 如果你会开始相信, 这般恋爱心情, 我只要你一件如果的事, 我会奋不顾身地去爱 你(范玮琪 & 张韶涵, 如果的事)."

过了不久, Harry was like
"情人節的那個夜裡 想要給你意外的驚喜
我也開開心心 從新加坡越過長堤 到新山去找你
你看見我也不是很高興 只是陪我隨便聊聊幾句
當我把禮物送給你 你也說別傻了 這句話傷了我的心" (任賢齊 & 周華健, 別傻了)

Harry失落的回家. 几天后, Mandy去Harry的家找他.

Harry:"你问我为什么 不再给你安慰, 在寒风中漫步有家不回, 好几天不见面也无所谓, 你问我为什么 把你的信退回, 又把照片撕碎毫不后悔, 你问我为了什么 开始喝酒, 而且每次都喝醉, 不要说我做得不对, 不要说你永远不会, 因为我在无意间听见有人叫你宝贝, 不要说这是个误会, 请不要在我面前流泪, 因为我明明听见有人叫你宝贝, 你让他叫你 宝贝 (林健辉, 我听见有人叫你宝贝)."
Mandy:"爱真的需要勇气来面对流言蜚语(梁静茹, 勇气)."
Harry:"分手吧 我们分手吧. 不要在骗我说你还爱著我. (张震岳, 分手吧)."
Mandy:"我知道你还是爱着我 (By2, 我知道)."
Harry:"你走吧, 我不哭, 無論多痛苦 (林佳儀 , 一個人的我依然會微笑)."

傷心的Mandy离开了Harry的家. Harry左思右想, 该怎么做, 追还是不追? 结果, Harry 还是觉得追.
Harry冲出门外追上Mandy,握住她的手:"留給我, 請珍惜這段爱情,也許一天可以既話 准許我多愛一次(周星馳, 家有喜事~~相逢何必曾相識)." <- this one in Cantonese
Mandy:"且把今晚的諾言 留待以後一一發展 篇寫愛的經典 (吳君如, 家有喜事~~相逢何必曾相識)." <- this one also

到最后, Harry & Mandy: "幸福和快樂是結局(王光良, 童話)."


Author's Note: Due to Ivy's insistent of having a happy ending, I make the story end with a happy ending.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Signs Of Stress

Symptom #1: Waking up somewhere far from initial sleeping position.
Symptom #2: Waking up still feeling tired.
Symptom #3: Increase frequency of fingernail biting.
Symptom #4: Increase frequency of eating at undesired time or larger than usual portion.
Symptom #5: Tension in the shoulder blade area/Feeling of bearing a heavy weight upon shoulders.
Symptom #6: Increase amount of time sleeping(usually not during night time).
Symptom #7: Decrease in bowel efficiency.
Symptom #8: The feeling of wanting to vomit.

Symptoms progress from #1 to #8 as stress level increase.

Origin of Stress: Unconscious desire to achieve what others deemed as acceptable.

Current situation: All the symptoms have been visibly confirmed.

Current course of action: /ignore
Efficiency: none-what-so-ever

Current status: Degrading of body delayed by repeated dosage of music (

Work Efficiency: Unable to rate as body is going through rapid changes.

Author's Note: ..............................