Sunday, October 19, 2008


I think it's best for me to make a formal apology here.


Ok, that being that lets get on with business. I have no idea what am I going to write. The only major event that happened this week that my life group had a potluck at my house. There were a total of 12 people that came to my house. They brought a wide variety of food. We have fried rice, glutinous rice, salad, mixed vege, nuggets, some dessert with 汤圆 in it and lotsa fruits. Really really lotsa fruits. So much that you can eat them for 3 days and still haven't finish it.

Before we had dinner we did a video on what we would be like 20 years from now. I ended up saying "I cant believe its year 2009 and we're still here." So comes dinner. Then I gave them a tour of my house. Seems like we didn't do much because most of the time was spent on talking about lame jokes. But i learnt a new hand signal. Kinda cool signal.

Well...i'm outta words for now. So till next time.


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