Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Long War

When I first arrived, they were nothing more than mere peasants. They were curious about the intruders and that's all about it. As time pass, they realize that their lands are being taken away. This cause them to fight back to regain what was theirs. They planned their attacks well. Their constant night raids was a great annoyance to me. My advisors told me that the wizards can conjure up a strong wind which would hold them at bay. I of course agreed to the plan to get rid of them. Soon, my wizards began casting the spell. They were no match for the strong wind. Unable to hold their ground, they retreated. A short time of peace ensued.

Not long later, my scouts began noticing them trying to break through the wind. They failed and failed. I was glad that they were no longer able to annoy me. Until one day, a prototype was able to break through the wind successfully and retreated before being repelled. The next day, a number of them came breaking through the wind to continue their invasion. It seems that they have upgraded their engine and thrusters to a level which can safely break through my wind. My wizards responded by casting spikes from the surface to repel them. The spikes covered most of the surface. As they began their attack against the spikes, they find that their hull was unable to withstand the spikes and their short range weapon are unable to reach the surface. Unable to achieve victory, they retreated once again.

Peace was shortlived. I don't remember when they resumed their invasion but they were prepared for the spikes. Their hull was able to withstand a considerable amount of damage from the spikes and their weapon range has been upgraded to reach the surface. Seeing that the spikes has been breached, my wizards toughened the surface. They were not prepared for such a tough surface where their weapons barely make a dent. Unable to breach the final frontier, they pull back again in preparation for another siege.

Knowing how they manage to overcome my defences, I doubt that the tough surface would hold them back for long. Sure enough, they attacked again. This time taking less time than they used to. From their attacks, I can see that their weapons now have armor piercing abilities. They have breached my final line of defence. My wizards was forced to resort to hypnotic magic to draw their attention away. A pillar of purple light surrounded by a web of lightning was conjured. The pillar of light so far has been able to distract them. But for how long I wondered.

It has been 9 years since I arrived at this place. I have seen them evolve from mere weaklings to their current state. I think it is only a matter of time before the pillar of light fails me. I might have to resort to bringing the Ice Age to drive them away though I may have to suffer a lot. I would have to sacrifice the surface for it, but will it be worth it? I wonder....

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's about the war between I(Goh Chun Feng) and them(mosquito).
My defences
strong wind = fan
spikes = hair
tough surface = skin
pillar of light= the purple light thingy
Ice Age = air con

Their weapons
engine and thrusters = wings
hull = body
weapon = whatever they use to bite or whatever
armor piercing = armor piercing(use your imagination)


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