Sunday, November 23, 2008

How Scary A "Label" Is!!!

Doing assignments for 210 made me look into some of the major conflicts in the world. My group looked into the Rwanda Genocide. It was estimated like 800,000 people died during the genocide. But that's not the main point. The worst thing that happened during the genocide was the labeling that was used.

I read a bit of Phillip Zimbardo's "The Lucifer Effect". In the book he talked briefly on the Rwanda Genocide. In his book, there was this Tutsi lady (forgot name already cos book at Ai Li's place) who was a women's right activist. She was sent to supposedly bring peace by giving some sort of talk. But what she did was she placed some "label" on the Hutu women, dehumanizing them and inciting the Tutsi male to even rape them. She said something like Tutsi women are more appealing than Hutu women so Hutu women shouldn't be allowed to live.

That is what i can remember for now. But i can tell you if you have the chance do read "The Lucifer Effect" by Phillip Zimbardo.

Too bad i read that part only after the assignment had been handed in. T_T

Random quote of the week
Some of the worst things are done with the best intentions.


Blogger Sharon said...

you meant Tutsi* women shouldn't be allowed to live righttttt! typo!?

i wanna read the lucifer effect also! borrow after you finish?

November 24, 2008 at 11:42 PM  

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